We designed this app with a financial AI in mind, to help sort income into your designated bank accounts as well as prototyping an interactive flow to help discuss your future lifestyle in retirement.

This was my first ever hackathon, I participated with another amazing Interaction Design student...
Michael Neese - Linkedin
A fantastic event orchestrated by the incredible folks over at DubHacks a tech and entrepreneurship non-profit in Seattle run by students at the University of Washington. It was my first in-person hackathon experience, and I am very proud of what we accomplished in an obscenely short amount of time.
There was a very chaotic start to this design process as once the event organizers said start, we jumped frantically into the ideation phase. We started by outlining that we wanted to create a solution addressing personal wellness, bouncing ideas until we landed on financial wellbeing. Quickly we started finding pain points of current systems and trying to generate new ideas to address them. We settled on having a banking app that could utilize a financial AI system to help integrate your personal finances with your fincaial future.

With the hours fading away quickly, we rushed into the UI of our product. Rapidly making wireframes that we felt met the quality of our work, being very cautious of not over scoping our project. We had plenty of ideas though we had to scrap many name of time. As we also wanted to create a live prototype for our developed idea. Where you envision your future lifestyle and it can help ease you into making retirement plans, creating a seamless process of introducing someone into thinking about their financial future and then implementing it.

I was tasked with the majority of the visual UI and then the complete prototyping of our app, so I am very happy accomplishing all of this within the limited time constraint. I created a high-fidelity prototype in ProtoPie which we were able to show on my phone, live, and in-person to judges which created another level of interaction that I really enjoyed. Though a hackathon is usually filled with teams of 4 and usually only coders, our team was nothing like that. Being only 2 designers, feeling happy with the finished product is an accomplish in itself, receiving high marks from the judges makes this endeavour even better. Competing against 176 other teams we didn't go into this project shooting for gold, we never thought we could win, but that didn't stop us from staying up all night and sleeping on the UW campus just to push ourselves as hard as we could to create a project we were proud of.
Feel free to check out the live prototype yourself, a small exploration into our project exploring 2 flows; exploring your future lifestyle and gamifying mundane tasks of previous banking apps.